The controller responsible for the processing of personal data within the scope of this website pursuant to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is:

item Industrietechnik GmbH
Friedenstraße 107-109
42699 Solingen

Tel.: +49 (0)212 6580 300
e-mail: in****@it****.com

You can reach our data protection officer under the following contact details:

item Industrietechnik GmbH
Friedenstraße 107-109
42699 Solingen

e-mail: da*********@it****.com

This data protection statement provides information on the scope of processing of your personal data (hereinafter abbreviated “data”).

We process data within the scope of operating our website. The processing of the data also includes disclosure by way of transfer.

For data transfers to the United States, the European Commission has issued an adequacy decision, the EU-US Privacy Shield.  In this decision, the Commission confirmed that the safeguards for the transfer of data to the United States based on the EU-US Privacy Shield are in accordance with the data protection standards in the EU. To the extent that we transfer data to the United States, we have labeled our service providers’ participation in the EU-US Privacy Shield.

The specific data concerned, the purposes of processing, the legal bases, recipients, and transfers to third countries are set out in the listing below.

a) Logfile
We log your visit to our website. The following data are processed in this process: name of the website accessed in each case, date and time of access, the volume of data transferred, browser type and version, the operating system you use, the referrer URL (the website you visited beforehand), your IP address and the provider making the request. This is necessary in order to ensure the security of the website. We process the data accordingly on the basis of our legitimate interests pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. The logfile is erased after seven days unless it is necessary in order to clarify or demonstrate specific legal violations that have come to light during the storage period.

b) Hosting
Within the scope of hosting, all data that are to be processed in connection with the operation of this website are stored. This is necessary in order to enable the operation of the website. We process the data accordingly on the basis of our legitimate interests pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. To provide our online presence, we use the services of Web hosting providers to which we transfer the data mentioned above.

c) Contacting us
When you contact us, your data (name, contact information and further details, if you provide them) and your message are processed exclusively for the purpose of processing and handling your inquiry. We process these data on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR or Article 6(1)(f) GDPR to handle your inquiry.

d) Newsletter
To be able to transmit information about our company and what we offer to you regularly, we offer a newsletter. When you sign up to receive the newsletter, we process the information you enter (e-mail address and other voluntarily provided information).

The transmission of the newsletter by way of registration takes place based on your consent pursuant to Article 6 (1)(a) GDPR.

Registration for the newsletter takes place via a “double opt-in” procedure. To prevent abuse, we will send you an e-mail asking you to confirm your registration after you register. Your registration will be logged so that we can document the registration process in accordance with the legal requirements. This concerns the storage of the time of registration and confirmation and your IP address. To send the newsletter, we use the services of service providers to which we transfer the data mentioned above.

The data are also transferred during this process to the servers of service providers in Canada. The European Commission has issued an adequacy decision finding that Canada safeguards an adequate level of data protection.

e) Customer account
If you open a customer account, you consent to the storage of your master data (name, address, e-mail address, bank account information) and use data (username, password) and other information provided voluntarily. This allows us to identify you as a customer and gives you the ability to manage your orders. Your data are processed on the basis of your consent pursuant to Article 6(1)(a) GDPR. To handle your registration, we use the services of service providers in Canada to which we transmit the data mentioned above. According to an adequacy decision by the European Commission, Canada has an adequate level of data protection.

f) Processing of purchases
We process your order data to handle a purchase contract. The processing of the data takes place accordingly on the basis of Article 6(1)(b) GDPR.

We transfer your address information to the company commissioned to perform the delivery. To the extent necessary in order to handle the contract, we also transfer your e-mail address or phone number to the company commissioned to perform the delivery in order to make arrangements for a delivery date and time (notification).

We transfer your transaction data (name, order date, payment type, shipping and/or receipt date, amount and payment recipient, where applicable bank account information or credit card details) to the payment service provider commissioned to handle the payment.

g) Website analysis and marketing
We use “cookies” in order to enable the use of certain functions. These are short data packets that are stored on your device and exchanged with other providers. Some of the cookies we use are deleted immediately after you close your browser (“session cookies”). Other cookies remain on your device and make it possible to recognize your browser the next time you visit (“persistent cookies”).

You can erase all cookies stored on your device and adjust the settings of all of the common browsers in such a way that storage of cookies is prevented.

In this case, you may need to adjust some settings again each time you visit this website, and some functions may be adversely affected.

We use cookies in connection with the following functions:

aa)  Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics, a service of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. Google uses certain cookies for this. The information on your use of the website that is generated by the cookie (including your IP address) is transferred to a Google server in the United States and stored there. We use the stored information to analyze your use of the website, compile reports on website activity for the website operators, and provide further services associated with website use. We process the data received in this way based on our overriding interest in the optimum marketing of our online offerings pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR. Under no circumstances will Google associate your IP address with other Google data.

Please note that this website uses Google Analytics with the “anonymizeIp()” addition. This truncates IP addresses before they are transferred to a server in the United States. This means that it is generally not possible to associate the stored data with a specific individual. Only in isolated cases is the full IP address transferred to a server in the United States and shortened there.

You can object to the collection of data at any time, with effect for the future, by using the Google Analytics deactivation browser add-on found at

Google is certified under:

Please also note Google’s information on the use of data in the Google partner network at:

Further information on data protection and privacy is available at:

bb)  Eloqua
We use the analysis service Eloqua from Oracle Corporation, Redwood City, CA, USA (“Eloqua”) on our website during registration/sign-up and transmission of e-mails. Eloqua allows us to analyze the use of our website and improve it. e-mails sent using Eloqua use tracking technologies. This allows us to track your e-mail reading behavior and determine, for example, whether the e-mails are opened and which links you click. Eloqua uses persistent cookies to provide this service. These cookies collect information on your user behavior on our website. The information collected by our website’s cookie is only visible to us and is not shared with either Oracle or other users of the Eloqua system. The data processing described above takes place based on our overriding interest in the optimum marketing of our online offerings pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

You can object to the collection of data at any time with effect for the future by clicking the following link:

For further information on data protection and privacy with Eloqua, please visit:

cc) Google Maps
We integrate the maps of the service “Google Maps” of the provider Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. The processed data may include in particular IP addresses and location data of the users, which, however, are not collected without their consent (as a rule within the framework of the settings of their mobile devices). The data can also be processed in the USA in accordance with the Privacy Shield Agreement.
Privacy Policy:

dd)  WebSights
On our website, we use the tool  WebSights powerded by ZoomInfo 7700 Old Georgetown Rd., Suite 500 Bethesda, MD 20814. USA. This tool reveals the identities of organizations that visit our website via an IP algorithm and provides visualized analytics. The IPs we gather are solely known company IPs and are associated only at a company level. The information displayed within the WebSights dashboard does not display any information about the specific individual visiting our website.  Information collected through the use of the WebSights tool is only used to ensure proper function of the ZoomInfo product – ZoomInfo does not repurpose this information or transfer it to any third parties.

The legal basis for this processing of data is Article 6(1)(f) GDPR (legitimate interest). We have a legitimate interest in showing you personalized advertising, and in analyzing the use of our website.

ZoomInfo provides a self-serve Privacy Center, where individuals can claim their Professional Profiles and update profile information, submit an access request, or opt out of inclusion from our database.  If you wish to completely remove your existing Professional Profile from the Directory, please “Request Removal”  Here, you can also find further information on data protection at ZoomInfo Technologies LLC

h) Integration of external content
We use external dynamic content to optimize the visualization and features of our website. When you visit our website, an inquiry is automatically sent to the server of the relevant content provider via API. Certain logfiles (e.g. users’ IP addresses) are transferred during this process. The dynamic content is subsequently transferred to our website and displayed there.

We use external content in connection with the following functions:

Integration of YouTube videos

We have integrated videos of the YouTube portal of YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, USA (“YouTube”) into our website. When you play the videos, logfiles are transferred to YouTube’s servers in the United States. This processing takes place based on our overriding legitimate interest in the optimum marketing of our offerings pursuant to Article 6(1)(f) GDPR.

YouTube is certified under:

Further information is available at:

i) Information on the processing of personal data in the context of the “item Academy”

aa) If you wish to use our portal, you must first log in and register on the portal. The mandatory information required to register on the portal is the form of address, first and last name, company, street, postcode, town, country, telephone, type of company and e-mail address. If your registration with item24 was successful, you can then use your account from the item portal to register with the “item Academy”. For this purpose, the data is transferred from the portal to the item Academy portal. If you enter a profile picture of yourself voluntarily, it will also be saved. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a GDPR.

bb) We will process your data required to fulfil the contract until you finally delete your access to the item Academy. Furthermore, we store the data voluntarily provided by you for the duration of your use of the portal, unless you delete it beforehand. You can manage, change and delete all data in the protected customer area. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. a, lit. b and lit. f GDPR.

cc) You can make your personal data available to other registered users of the item Academy. Once you are logged in, the other users will be notified when you are logged in to the item Academy so that the other users can contact you (“Presence display / Who is online”). You can deactivate this function in your profile. If this function is deactivated, other users will not be able to notice when you are logged in to the item Academy.

dd) You can decide for yourself whether or not your other personal data is visible and accessible to other registered users of the item Academy. You can also select the settings so that only we can see your personal data.

ee) We want to constantly improve the item Academy. We would also like to constantly increase the training and learning progress of the individual users of the item Academy. Therefore the learning progress data of the users are processed. We record which trainings the user has started, which he/she has not started, which the user has completed and which he/she has not completed. In order to constantly improve the learning and training progress of the individual users and our own offer in the item Academy for the users, we commit ourselves contractually in the scope of the Terms of Use to send the user free of charge and individually tailored to the user on the basis of the learning progress data determined, further training material, product information, data, information, illustrations, plans, drawings, calculations, implementation instructions, assembly instructions, product descriptions, assembly instructions and other documents of the provider to the user’s e-mail address specified during registration. Through these individual measures we want to improve the learning and training progress of the individual users. If the user does not wish to receive further documents by e-mail, he/she can simply deselect this option within the scope of his/her user profile and/or inform us. We will then be released from our contractual obligation and will not send the user any documents by e-mail or otherwise contact the user by e-mail. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. b GDPR.

ff) If the user provides his/her telephone number when registering for the item Academy, we undertake, if we deem it necessary, to contact the user by telephone and ask what further individual measures, which documents and/or which information we can make available to him/her in order to improve his/her learning and training progress in the item Academy. This also applies to requests for information regarding the courses and other contents of the item Academy. By making this personal contact, we want to learn from the users and ensure that the item Academy satisfies the wishes of the individual users and which adjustments can be made to the item Academy to increase the learning progress and/or the attractiveness of the item Academy.

gg) The entries in the forum and in the chat can only be read by registered users. All forum and chat contributions from you are stored by us. If you delete your account with the item Academy, your comments, in particular contributions to the forum, will continue to be visible to all readers, but your account will no longer be retrievable and marked “[deleted user]” in the forum. All other data will be erased. If you would like your anonymised contributions to be erased, please contact the person responsible using the contact details given above. The contributions will then also be erased immediately. The legal basis is Art. 6 para. 1 s. 1 lit. f GDPR.

j) Further functions of our website
We commission agencies to implement advertising campaigns for us that include personal data. For the purpose of processing contracts, personal data are only disclosed to third parties to the extent necessary.

We store personal data only as long as necessary for the purposes for which they are processed or until you withdraw your consent. Where statutory obligations of storage must be observed, the duration of storage of certain data may be as long as ten years, irrespective of the purposes of processing.

a) Information
Upon request, you can obtain information regarding all personal data concerning you that we have stored at any time, free of charge.

b) Rectification, erasure, restriction of processing (blockage), objection

If you no longer agree to the storage of your personal data or your data have become incorrect, we will erase or block your data or make the necessary corrections when so instructed (provided that this is possible under applicable law). The same applies if you wish to restrict our future processing of data.

c) Data portability
Upon request, we will provide you with your data in a commonly used, structured and machine-readable format so that you can transfer them to another controller if you wish.

d) Right to lodge a complaint
You have the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority with jurisdiction:


e) Right to withdraw consent with effect for the future
You can withdraw your consent at any time, with effect for the future. Withdrawing consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing up until the time of withdrawal.

f) Restrictions
Data in whose case we are unable to identify the data subject, for example because they have been anonymized for analysis purposes, are not covered by the rights detailed above. Access to these data and erasure, blockage, rectification or transfer thereof to another company may be possible if you provide us with additional information that allows us to identify the data subject.

g) Exercising your rights as a data subject
If you have any questions regarding the processing of your personal data or if you wish to request information, rectification, blockage or erasure of data or submit an objection or request that data be transferred to another company, please contact da*********@it****.com.

We use SSL encryption to ensure the security of the data transferred to us. You can recognize connections that are encrypted in this way from the prefix “https://” in the page link in the address line of your browser. Unencrypted pages start with “http://.”

All data you transfer to our website – such as when you submit an inquiry or log in – cannot be read by third parties thanks to SSL encryption.

In the event that you wish to contact us by e-mail, please note that the confidentiality of the information transferred cannot be guaranteed. As a basic principle, the content of e-mails can be subject to spying by unauthorized third parties in transit.